#ThursThreads – Last Time

Happy Thursday! Didn't think I'd get a post up today, but here we are! This week has flown by, too. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but here's to the weekend only being a day away! Today's prompt, as usual, comes from #ThursThreads. This will be another peek into Paola's world. She's much… Continue reading #ThursThreads – Last Time

#TuesFlashFicTrain R5-W3 Winner!

Prompt Winner: Stacy Overby Happy Monday! So I really, really dropped the ball this round. Things have gotten a bit hectic and I've neglected this prompt series. I'm hoping to finish up this round, and then will be going on hiatus until I can get things in order again. First things first, though! The only reason… Continue reading #TuesFlashFicTrain R5-W3 Winner!

#TuesFlashFicTrain R5-W2 Winner!

Prompt Winner: Stacy Overby Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great Father's Day weekend! This week, Sienna's saga continues, and we learn a little bit more about her background thanks to Stacy! Using the prompt, she seamlessly pulled us into the next part of the story and adds a little more to the mystery of what… Continue reading #TuesFlashFicTrain R5-W2 Winner!

#TuesFlashFicTrain – Night Shift

Night Shift by Renee L.Tennis-McKinley and Stacy Overby Gloria hustled to grab her jacket from the locker room, then ran for the time clock. She’d gotten a late start this evening; her keys managing to not be where she’d expected. Ten minutes wasted searching for them left her rushing to be at her post on time. As… Continue reading #TuesFlashFicTrain – Night Shift

#TuesFlashFicTrain – Rita

Rita by Renee L.Tennis-McKinley, Stacy Overby, Chad R. Smith, and Imagenn793 Rita sneezed. Her nose dripped and she was sure some gremlin was positioned behind her left eye. It was armed with a needle and was repeatedly stabbing the back of that eye. As much as her nose itched and snotted, her eye watered at each… Continue reading #TuesFlashFicTrain – Rita

#TuesFlashFicTrain R4-W5 Winner!

Prompt Winner: Stacy Overby Happy Monday! Yet another story has come to a close! Thanks to Stacy's entry to last week's prompt, we get a resolution to Gloria's sticky situation. Her piece is full of tension and quick, resourceful thinking on Gloria's part. Thanks so much for your continued contributions to this contest, Stacy! You rock!… Continue reading #TuesFlashFicTrain R4-W5 Winner!

#ThursThreads – Helpless

Hello! Hope everyone's week is going splendidly! It seems to be flying by for me, but that's nothing new. Today's post, as with most Thursday pieces, comes courtesy of Siobhan's #ThursThreads prompt series. I struggled a bit with fitting the prompt in, but finally settled on some more experimentation with Withered Legacy. Really considering playing with… Continue reading #ThursThreads – Helpless

#TuesFlashFicTrain R4 – W4 Winner!

Prompt Winner: Renee L. Tennis-McKinley Happy Monday! So week 4 of Gloria's story saw a bit of a hiccup in participation, so I extended it another week (people are busy and sometimes that's all we need). And with the extra week came Renee's awesome response to the prompt! Hurrah! The intrigue deepens and we get a… Continue reading #TuesFlashFicTrain R4 – W4 Winner!