#ThursThreads – Time

Prompt: “How much time do I have?”

The moon yawns wide above us, and stars dancing in the dark. I try to focus on that, on how peaceful it feels. Anything to distract from my own thoughts. With a sigh, I close my eyes and try to sleep.

But I can’t.

So I get up and move to sit beside Valmong, leaning against a fallen tree. A few feet away, Nevari continues to sleep uninterrupted.

“Your watch isn’t for another few hours.” Valmong’s voice is a whisper of concern. In the moonlight, his brow furrows as he watches me join him.

“Can’t sleep.” But I want to rest my head on his shoulder, hold onto him for a little longer. Despite the urge, I don’t. Instead, I opt to hug my legs, resting my head against my knees as I turn to look at him. “Aren’t you worried, about tomorrow?”

“No.” His eyes fall on me. “Are you?”

“A little.” I watch him watch me, amber eyes hidden by the shadows. I know he can see me in the dark, but I wonder if he can read the thoughts clear on my face.

Sure, I’m worried we might fail. But what I can’t admit out loud is that I’m worried about what happens if – when – we succeed. I’ll get to go home.

I’ll never see Valmong again.

How much time do I have left, I wonder, to sit with him like this? Will Claritas zap me home immediately? Or will I get a chance to say good-bye?

Be sure to check out the responses at the prompt!

As always, keep on keeping on!

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